Friday, June 09, 2006

Siempre Bailando

First of all, halftime now in the first World Cup soccer game! If you´re reading this Friday afternoon, go watch -- what excitement! Score now Costa Rica 1, Germany 2. Gotta get back to it - but how fun to be in Costa Rican air today, jubilant atmosphere... all through the night last night I could hear groups of people chanting`Ole, ole, ole, ole -- TICOS, TICOS!!!' Today at ICADS during the 2 hours of class we had could hear horns honking, people yelling... right before classes they gathered us all together and an ICADS staffer stood before us holding a coveted red 'Viva La Sele - Es De Todos!' shirt - told us all to choose a number between 1 and 30 and call it out... after a couple other guesses I yelled '22!' and was rewarded with this fabulous shirt!!! How exciting! Got it on now, may it bring more luck. We´re all watching the game downstairs in a conference room. Such a big deal, Daniela even got a day off school today.

Only other thing to write now - we had a dance class last night that was ridiculously fun!! Merengue, reggae, salsa... when I get back to school I definitely plan on pressuring people to sign up for dance classes with me. Hoping to take more here, we´re looking into that. The title of this post is a phrase that our very Costa Rican instructor kept yelling out - made me think, what a good motto - always dancing. Taught us some moves that were according to him 'muy muy sexy!!'

Off to the beach tonight through Sunday! Who knows what adventures lie in store. Can´t wait!


At 12:18 PM, Blogger Adam said...

Too bad Costa Rica lost, but I guess scoring two goals agaist the world's number two team is not too bad. Great job winning the shirt! I didn't know you were such a soccer fan. Too funny.

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Jayne said...

hee... just thinking about how when i'm in Germany, i'll be rooting for Germany and you'll be rooting for Costa Rica! (though ALSO when i was in Costa Rica, we played this game with the women of the village, and they were AWESOME.. they kicked out wimpy american butts so bad).. so i might root for the Ticos.


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