short and sweet
Not going to get into the full update now - sun setting and Costa Rican deliciousness (aka rice and beans) calling my name, but I am back safe and sound from the country once again. Stories to relate - of minor injuries, confusion, miracles, and other such topics. Parting question for now: what is needed for a life to be happy and fulfilling? Inspired to think about this after a taste of life with less. Important question as we daily shape our individual existences and think of the future. I sometimes get caught up in feeling as though I´m on a track towards something - but then when I stop and have one of those grain of sand by the ocean type of awareness moments - I remember that there isn´t necessarily a ´something.´No hard and fast one of our speakers mentioned, as we grow older we´ll realize that we must shape our ways of living. (she said it more eloquently) Enough of this, darkness spreads... have a wonderful night!
Thank you for your message! (i got this website/blog idea from you!) I agree- so thankful of our relationship past, present and future :)
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