Wednesday, June 21, 2006

current (semi-fragmented?) thoughts from the city

For the past few days I haven´t really felt like writing, but now that I feel happier...and I have a convenient chunk of time before dinner... the time to update is here. Ha Erika and I laugh that maybe I only write when things are completely peachy, thus giving a one-sided view of life here. It´s true that there are many wonders to take in, but since when I blog there are always more experiences than time to write, I stick to the exciting things - I am experiencing the full range of emotions. Will try to expand on that a little today.

Today has been a good day, the opposite of yesterday. This morning ate special cheese from Turrialba that I love with bread and guayaba jam, and Mary gave me a little Biblical passage card for inspiration. Only half an hour of class time happily, it´s starting to drag - and we left for a nearby soup kitchen. Especially since feeling out of it yesterday, it was great to serve others and not think of myself. On the way over we learned we needed to prepare food for 150 kids. (!) We chopped, cleaned, stirred, sliced in a hurry...and before too long the kids started arriving. This soup kitchen was started by a man (looks around 65 now) who explained that he used to party and smoke cigars, but now his rosary goes where his pack of cigars used to go. He has changed his life and now works to serve the Lord by serving others... used to cook lunch for local kids where he lives in a squatter (very impoverished, many from Nicaragua) community, but has since expanded, found a building, got kitchen appliances donated, and now gets a regular stream of food donations -- oversees lunch for these children every day. For many it´s their only meal. I played games with the kids outside...charades, clapping games... and was in charge of the jabon (soup) for the hand washing line. Amazing to see the meal...especially touched when I walked in to see all the kids sitting with their food untouched before them. I asked one if they were waiting to pray, and they answered yes. Neat to see them still waiting despite the hunger...

Afterwards went to lunch with friends at the nearby college, my favorite, our regular spot, and the mood got even better with an excellent juice and veggie side (always get the same thing, rice/beans/eggs but those are the 2 variables). TCBY next! Yum, mixture of chocolate and vanilla frozen yogurt with M&Ms and walnuts... caught a bus to San Jose with Erika, Jess, and Shari. Wanted to check out the ´ropa Americana´-Mary told me that this was a good place to go for really cheap hot-weather clothes, which after inspecting my closet she told me I need to stock up on for the country. Yay for thrift stores, love em, found 5 shirts for around $5 total. Happy time, those are the 3 friends that I think I´ll be traveling with for probably 3 weekends while we´re all separated. Temporarily planning on Puerto Viejo in Limón, an active volcano somewhere, and the national park Monteverde. I´m glad about those trips...they make the imminent embarking somewhat less scary.

Okay, so about yesterday - not even sure how to explain it. I think others are also noticing a change in the atmosphere. Today Jess described that the vacation seems to be ending; the country is still just as beautiful but not everything has that new shiny glow. We´re realizing that we´re here for a long time yet. Questions... how do we balance classes and soon work/spending time with host family, other ICADS students/keeping up with people from home? For me, how many stories should I/will I be able to relate to people who I´m used to telling so much to... and how much will I be experiencing for the most part completely individually (strange)? What will the next 6 weeks hold? So much unknown.

Yesterday I felt spacey during class... almost physically sick, very much lacking energy. Long talk in the afternoon that though interesting I had trouble enduring - afterwards tried to go shopping with Erika, Ceci, and Tara but after taking a taxi to the recommended store found out it didn´t sell clothes. Oops, annoying. Ceci asked if I was ok...maybe dreamy is a word to describe how I was, but in an impatient way. Another potentially scary walk by myself and then taxi ride left me more frazzled. Mary wasn´t home though other family members were... heated my food, did homework... fragile. Tried to go to sleep early but tossed and turned... worried about relationships, leaving for the country, not even sure what completely. Luckily I gave up and tried to read because Mary returned. She asked how my day was and I ended up crying. ¨Es bueno llorar¨she comfortingly told me. Though relatively late for us I ate soup with her and watched part of a movie. Going through the stages of being in a new country? Suppose so.

What else... I am really treating this like a journal, sort of strange to post these personal thoughts on the internet but throwing care to the wind. This 3 weeks has been good for me to adjust from being away...helps me prepare for the rural land.

Quick rundown of past weekend.
Saturday-arrived at organic farm, holding adorable puppies automatically made me happy, farmer there explained to us that their idea is that if the gates were closed the farm workers would have all they needed there. He told us to enjoy the fresh air, take in the sights of flora and fauna. Toured medicinal plants garden, got new host family, stayed with Erika. Awkward there at first. Slipped on the ladder coming down from the bunk bed with my socks, hit the ground and my arm and though it never hurt much now have a huge green and purple mark on my arm. I like looking at it. People keep asking me what happened. 3 hour soccer game-so much fun. Cool to see how once we started playing Costa Ricans just appeared... close to 6 people started getting tired and asked a local when it would end - he responded well if you start pressuring people at 6 they´ll say one more goal, one more goal! Sort of surreal, people on horseback rode by, palm trees surrounding field, cows mooing in background. Got lost with Erika on our way home, could have been bad when the sun set but luckily a sequence of miracles occurred and 5 kids ended up escorting us home. Whole thing took an hour and half. At least that story broke the ice with the family. Dinner, sleep-exhausted.
Sunday-up at 5, ate breakfast (mound of rice, beans, eggs, plantains, juice) then took off down the gravel road. Laughed at the change in surroundings, wondered where am I as the roosters crowed etc. Worked to cut down and bundle a tall herb til 11 then prepared maybe the most delicious lunch I´ve ever had. All food from the farm - heart of palm, a salad with tomato, radish, avocado, ayote, yuca, a homemade tortilla, guava, rice, beans. Drove back before too long-enjoyed the bus ride and then the evening with my San Pedro family. Sad to leave them, does feel like a home already.

Whew okay there´s the update! Tomorrow after class we have workshops to prepare for leaving, Friday will be goodbyes, and then Saturday we´re off. No telling what thoughts and emotions the next days will inspire.

I think this was a different sort of post from others. Que será, será just came to mind. True that. Hope all´s well for you!


At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Colleen! I'm sorry that you felt out of it yesterday, but it does make sense that the "vacation" time would end. Glad it looks like you got out of the initial shock of it =). I hope you're doing great, I will talk to you soon! Good things are happening on my end. I love you!

At 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Colleen, your dad sent my you blog. I am envious of your adventure. I plan to forward the link to Aunt Jean. Dan will be leaving for Cuba soon. I will share it with my Michael also. I want him to know about the opportunities that await him. I hope he takes advantage of a similar opportunity. Via con dios!
Love and prayers to you , Aunt Monica xxoo

At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Colleen, your dad sent me your blog. I am envious of your adventure. I plan to forward the link to Aunt Jean. Dan will be leaving for Cuba soon. I will share it with my Michael also. I want him to know about the opportunities that await him. I hope he takes advantage of a similar opportunity. Via con dios!
Love and prayers to you , Aunt Monica xxoo


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