Thursday, July 06, 2006

Almost half way through Costa Rica time-

Ahh, internet cafe. Happily Erlinda agreed to come here with me - continue on the bus to Guacimo, despite the fact that there is a stop in Africa right next to her house. We came from Pocora, a town close by. Just met with the group of women there that I'll be working with. Special time - the topic of our meeting was Who Am I? and then strategies for raising self-esteem... There were 8 other women there, and we met in a small Catholic church tucked away in an almost-forest. They have Mass there the first Saturday of every month - it is kept locked up the rest of the time, and the crucifix that hangs during Mass is hidden at the front under a cloth. Virma, our contact there, told me that if they left it hanging people would throw rocks at it. We all first wrote our names on pieces of paper and then wrote out positive characteristics of ourselves... very interesting, I was at first tempted to write things like student - but that gets to the story that we read after sharing our thoughts.

A woman was dying (thought agonizar meant agonizing until just now but no-to be on the point of death E said). Suddenly, she had the sensation that she was lifted to the sky and presented at the Tribunal.

Who are you? said a voice
I am the wife of the mayor, she answered.
I asked who you are, not with whom you're married.
I am the mother of 4 children.
I asked who are you, not how many children you have.
I am a schoolteacher.
I asked who you are, not what your profession is.

And on and on. Kept responding-but could not seem to give a satisfactory answer to the question Who Are You?

I am a Christian.
I asked who you are, not what your religion is.
I am a person that goes every day to the church and helps the poor and needy.
I asked who you are, not what you do.

Evidently, she could not pass the test, because she was sent again to the earth. When she recuperated, she had the determination of finding out who she was. And everything was different.

Your obligation is being... (and then a bit more I don't get all of)

How neat. And how true. I've struggled some with this in communicating from afar - often the conversations consist of recent activities, which should be included... but sometimes I'm left feeling that I havenĀ“'t communicated thoughts, feelings, what is really important.

It's a challenge - but what a worthy one - to think of your spirit before your defining roles when thinking of yourself. I left that meeting feeling a great sense of awe and respect for women and others. They described all the work they do day in and out, first up and last to bed.

This weekend will reunite with ICADS friends - day of work on the farm and then to San Jose and Cartago tomorrow for dinner and city exploration. Saturday morning will head to Orosi, where they have hot springs and hiking. Sunday hope to watch the game wherever I am.

Continue to struggle with missing people so much. Thanks for the comments, they give me energy. :) Bizarre to think of these months away from the states in entirety. Heard James Blunt's High in Jenny's office this afternoon-powerful for me to randomly hear songs I really like here. That was like a meditation.

Ok off here for now-don't know how to end this. Have no doubt that between my moments here I am transported in my thoughts to some other world that includes those who are far away. In the recent past sometimes I've felt numb-but right now my emotions are intense and present.

Have a good weekend all!

oh quickly-this week included
recycling women
all day trip to Limon where I attended a workshop/discussion with 20 female representatives of different groups around the Caribbean
translated for a Baptist mission group randomly
ran a few times
experienced times of such clarity, felt like eyes were open more than ever before to see nature, people, kindness
came down from those highs.
read the little prince--resonated so much with thoughts now! favorite book! read read :)


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